Welcome to Iskotaa's World!

Windows 95 Notepad Icon What's new!

- Ocarina Time! Blink yellow and red NEW gif

The new zelda is really cool. I can't wait for it to come out. I'm going to play it every day for the rest of my life :D.

Screenshot from Ocarina of Time of Link in the Sacred Realm
- Finally!

I beat Final Fantasy 7! Duhn-duhn-duhn-duhn, duhn, duhn, duhn da-duhn!

Original game art of Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy 7

Ab0ut m3

Mood: content :)

Interests: art, comics, games

It's a secret to everybody Moblin This page is a secret to everybody.

Spinning Triforce gif from Ocarina of Time

Currently listening to:

Marvin the Martian's head icon Marvin the Martian Fan Page

Marvin the Martian is my favourite Looney Tune because he's misunderstood and has a cool hat.

Marvin the martian with legs moving quickly

Favourite Quote: "Where's the KABOOM? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering KABOOM!""

Waving Canadian Flag gif


I hope you enjoyed this nod to the internet of the 90s :))). Icons by aconfuseddragon - check them out!